Download BUMP3R 1.0.93

By MagzSoftware Sunday, January 8, 2012
If you have Audio-CDs and want to create Back-Ups, I recommend to try this software, BUMP3R. BUMP3R is an application to create Back-Ups from your Audio-CDs. The latest version of this software is BUMP3R 1.0.93. You don't hesitate, BUMP3R 1.0.93 is a lightweight software with 10.193 KB in file size, and it's easy to install.
BUMP3R 1.0.93
BUMP3R 1.0.93 creates the backup in a single MP3 file which contains all informnation required to restore the original CD as close as possible. The big advantage of the MP3 format is that you can not only put the backup into a shelve but you can really use it where you store it.

BUMP3R 1.0.93's features :
  • Create a  Backup from Compact Disc (CD)
  • Extract single songs from an existing BackUp File
  • Restore a BackUp file to recordable CD
Download BUMP3R 1.0.93
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